Daily Archives: April 13, 2005

Magic Tournament!

I’ve finally done the magic tournament screen. It appears when you select from the main menu the Challenge Druid mode.
This option leads you to the Black Tower, the place where the druids challenge one other to duels every year. There will be 16 different druids in the tournament and you will challenge them to a duel. You will proceed to the death, until the winners are announced.
For each battle you have won, you will gain experience points, but will not obtain artifacts as in the previous option.
To simulate the passage of a year in the game, you cannot participate in the tournament for 2 consecutive turns. But first, you must visit the land of Aravorn again (Gather Artifact mode), exploring at least one of its places. With the passage of time, the places you have already explored can be re-inhabited by enemies, which allows you to explore them again in search of new artifacts.

Small Screenshot of the tournament screen (don’t worry there will be even male opponents, the 2 women is just a coincidence… heheh)