The game will also come out on Steam probably later this month: ... Of_Chavez/
Thanks to everyone who helped me making this game. I'm happy about the result considering this was my first try at doing both an adventure/VN and a psychological horror game, I think it turned out well

What's New in 1.0.3
- the "exit map button" will now appear on the map screen only if you invoked the map yourself, to avoid side-effect like triggering same scenes twice and so on
- hints on how to start the fire might appear again on day 2, in the morning, fixed
What's New in 1.0.2
- added Patreon backers in the credits "thank you" section
- added more hints during day 5 to remind the player to clear the hidden garden in case they get lost
- fixed wrong date of Maria's life in the clues screen (the right one is the one you find while examining the tomb at the cemetery)
What's New in 1.0.1
- by popular demand, now Normal difficulty will allow skipping minigames after three failed attempts. Easy mode instead will allow instant skipping from the first playthrough!
- fixed a wrong hint text when examining the rune letter before discovering the book
- fixed a bug that was triggering the whole sunset cliff scene even if you were giving Dolores the scarf in another point of the story!
- added more hints during first night puzzle
What's New in 1.0.0
- fixed a crash while replaying the image of "Shared Gelato" achievement in gallery
- added final image of Dolores and Adriana in hotel room