Monthly Archives: January 2023

New Year Goals

Happy New Year! As every year, I’ll set my own new year goals in the first post of the year.

This time I’m taking into account my eye issues, which luckily for now doesn’t seem too bad. But still something to consider especially for big games like the RPGs – staying hours looking at spreadsheets to balance enemies/items is not healthy for the eyes, as you can imagine!

Anyways: like past year, I’ve a Kickstarted game to finish, The Beastmaster Princess, and I plan to finish it in the first quarter. I’m not sure yet when exactly, but definitely should happen in first months of the year. I have currently 4 chapters out of 5 fully edited, I might still add a few things there and there, but if I had to guess, February or early March at the latest could be a good candidate for the beta release.

Our heroines on a side quest to gather a cure

After this, the next game to be out should be ToA: An Elven Marriage. I’ve basically worked on it already last year in “my spare time” but being a full RPG (with some new tweaks/features of course) it takes longer than a pure VN.

the crafting screen of the game

I’d like to say it will be out in Q2-Q3, but maybe I could release a smaller game first to avoid burn-out. I’ll need to see (as usual I’m working on several games at once).

Ah yes, about the smaller games: I already spoke about this in my Patreon, in practice I’m going to try making some sci-fi games but more in the Black Mirror style, so not space opera, but “alternate reality”, “crazy situations”, etc.

I think I’ll be able to release one of those games this year, and will be about aliens but… I believe it’s a new idea, different from what already seen.

Oh, I also started brainstorming the next (and likely last) game of the Tales From The Under-Realm series (yuri only like the other titles). For now all I can say is that Evelyn from After Midnight will be a love interest, and the protagonist will be a half-demon named Lilith. Not a bad start, eh?