Friday catblogging – Romance in RPGs

In the picture above, my cat Orpheus in front of my old home window.

This week I’ve been writing all the various romance/friendship subplots for my upcoming RPG game Planet Stronghold. I have finished 4 out of 10 possible subplots. The romanceable character are 6 in total, but the other 4 can still provide informations on their background and reward you with some powerful item/bonuses. Almost every subplot also triggers a quest, that will reward you with their permanent friendship and/or romance (if is the right gender/character combination).

I was dubious if to list the possible combinations, but since people will find out sooner or later and post them in forums anyway, here it is:

Playing as Lisa: Tom, Damien & Michelle (homo)
Playing as Joshua: Rebecca, Rumi & Prince Cliff (homo)

Yesterday wrote the Joshua/Cliff one and was fun, first time ever I write a yaoi romance subplot ๐Ÿ˜€

My plan is to finish writing all the subplots by next week (I currently do 1 a day also because there is an associated quest to do). So by the 15th I should have version 0.85 out, which would have all the romance subplot (unproofreaded though). By end of January I should have version 0.9 which would be the complete, finished game, with unproofreaded texts and some possible minor bugs. Then the final step would be a version 1.0 somewhere in February once I fix all the remaining bugs and get finished texts and missing voices.

I’m going to write a postmortem about the game once is finished, since took me so long! Is my biggest Ren’Py project to date ๐Ÿ™‚ And now for something new, look the image below:

That charming girl is a part of a new project that will start this year, alongside many others. She is Joanne, 30 years old, very powerful magician and renowned thief! The game will feature three sisters that during the day work in a shop run by their father Sambo, but during the night they become thieves and steal stuff from the noblemen ! (reminds me of someone). Note that her left arm weird pose is because she can hold several different staves ๐Ÿ˜€

That’s all I can say for now. The game will be a mix of a RPG, strategy, simulation and otome game! Stay tuned for more info, even if the estimate release date is Christmas 2011 ๐Ÿ˜‰

9 thoughts on “Friday catblogging – Romance in RPGs

  1. Sakura M.

    Wow Joanne looks pretty awesome. I’m also a bit shocked at her age since it’s something you’ll never considered really. Maybe that’s just my belief that 30 sounds really old. Anyways, I like to comment that her headband sorta reminds you of a peace-loving hippee, even though she’s a thief. I like her witch hat though :). Good luck on this!

    1. admin Post author

      Haha 30 “really old”!!! I’m 36, so I should be offended!! lol
      Jokes apart, if I remember well even in the anime series “Cat’s Eye” (from which the game takes inspiration but is totally different as plot/setting) the older sister is 30 or close to 30. Probably because now you’re very young, but I assure you that 30 isn’t that old for a woman ๐Ÿ˜‰
      Her clothes are quite original indeed, there are more sketches that look even more weird/funny but after all is a fantasy game! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Pingback: Tweets that mention Computer Games ยป Friday catblogging โ€“ Romance in RPGs --

  3. Wyvern

    Shoot. I was really hoping for a Joshua/Michelle romance.

    Btw, I’m 34 (but could probably pass for 24, especially if I shaved off my beard).

    1. admin Post author

      Ah it means Downloadable Content, in practice is the same as add-on. The extra character romance, the golem, etc were all DLC of Dragon Age for example.


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