Roommates officially out + video!

Here’s the official Roommates video trailer with theme song “My Name In Light” by Leetstreet boys!

That was the last thing missing to officially release the game Roommates. More info and download/buy links here:

I have also submitted the game to Greenlight, so if you liked it, please vote for it:

The game is also available for iOS:

and Google/Amazon appstores for Android:


…work on the other games continues! C-14 Dating is coming along nicely, found a new writer for Nicole yuri to speed things up, but fans of RPGs will be pleased to know that I’m going to add more unique skills to my next RPG Seasons Of The Wolf, for a total of 108 unique skills!

I’m also going to remove the “skilltree” system and just make all the skills available to learn in any order, like you see in the work-in-progress screenshot below:skills

So in summary, combined with the more attributes (6 in total vs the 3 of Loren) the game will offer much more customization possible for the party, hopefully increasing the replayability / fun 🙂

This is the project that personally I’m working on, and I have almost everything needed (I just got the lineart of the kissing scenes!) so you can expect quick progresses in the next months. My current deadline is to finish the first Season of the game (Winter) and begin the beta-testing/preorders in April.

This doesn’t mean that the game is going to be split in parts, but simply that I’m going to begin testing as soon as I complete the coding of a part of the story (Winter in this case). Then, as testing continues and I finish new parts of the game I’ll make them available as well, until the full game is ready 🙂

6 thoughts on “Roommates officially out + video!

  1. Eryn

    Hey awesome to hear that SOTW is going smoothly but haven’t heard anything lately about Planet Stronghold 2. I’m waiting lol.

    1. admin Post author

      Because that’s a cursed game 😀
      Had issues with writer, coder and artist. Is going on now, but very slow. MAYBE will have everything sometimes this year but not sure! lol

  2. SpectralClaws

    Wish you luck. I had a look at Room mates, looks all shiny. Hopefully I will be able to get it soon because it’s looks promising. I hope your year started better than the previous one ended and that you will get enough sales to boost things up 🙂 Maybe things can get good enough for you to consider another Bionic Heart-like game. Buut Planet Stronghold 2 is going to be good, i know it.

    otome stat raising games are nice provided they have spirit and character. Room mates look like it has got energy, it’s nice to see. I saw sone discussions about path endigs on the forums. I like spoilers, they encourage me and Room mates got me interested enough to pursue spoilers in the first place 😉 I think you can’t keep everyone happy in real life, nor in a game but stat raising is usually so time consuming that everyone, me included, has mostly come to expect some sort of classic happy end. I”m happy with everything mostly as long as I don’t have to pursue same gender romances as I;m uncomfortable with those, though I like that you include them in order to cater to diversity. It’s hard job developing commercial games. Keep up the great job Winterwolves. I for one like seeing your releases, even though I don’t like all of your games. I do look forward to Planet Stronghold, Loren 2
    (but I am tired of the format of those games so it better be REALLY good!) and this Seasons of the Wolf are shaping up to something potentially interesting. Looks exciting all in all. 🙂

  3. Bruna

    I just finished the game! It really is an awesome game. Although I’m pretty sad, because I’ve reached all of the skill requirements to unlock the romance scenes and got none 🙁 Also, Max managed to “date” Sally, they went on a date and everything looked perfect (100/100) and suddenly she is dating his bandmate Memphis? I’m so confused!!!!! 🙁 Idk if I did something wrong, I really wish it had an walkthrough so I could checked it…

    If you could answer me and tell me what I may had done wrong, I would really appreciate! Anyways, I really enjoyed.


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