Queen Of Thieves – Moirgane


After the main characters introduction, in the next weeks I’m going to talk about the love interest. Let’s start with Moirgane, one of the three yuri romanceable characters:

Moirgane Mercier

More commonly known as β€˜Girl!’ or β€˜Hey you!’, Moirgane is the long suffering waitress at the biggest tavern in Ahkra. She has been working there for several years now and knows practically everyone in town because of it. No one has a bad word to say about her and she is very popular with her often surly employer.

Moirgane can be a little awkward when around people she is not familiar with, but she tends to warm to people quickly. She has a reputation for being kind and accommodating, something she is quite proud of although it embarrasses her to be praised in front of others. Many do not realise it, but the waitress is actually extremely intelligent and particularly gifted when it comes to working with numbers. She does not keep this fact a secret, but it so rarely comes up in conversation at a tavern that many assume she works as a waitress because she was too stupid to do anything else.

With her life largely dedicated to working and helping her family, Moirgane has almost no experience in love. She is fairly sure that she is attracted to women, but outside of that she has done nothing about any desires she has ever had. To her, she cannot spare time to indulge in love while her family needs her help. Perhaps one day she might be able to find someone to love but for now work is what she needs to keep focused on.

Quick update

This last week was busy working on PSCD again. I am at good point, my goal is to finish with the coding/design of all the cards and plot missions, then add some extra side-missions, a bit like what happens on open-world games.

In practice my main fear is that people would play the game on Easy, beat it and complain it’s too short: each battle in Easy mode could last between 8-10 minutes (on average, depends on several factors including player’s speed), so multiplied by 30 missions = around 300 minutes = 5h. This because differently from popular CCG games like Hearthstone, the computer plays INSTANTLY πŸ˜€ so you don’t need to wait for the other human opponent to make his move (which is what usually takes most time in such games).

I am talking of course about non-visual novel players, with less interest in plot. Because about that, with a plot over 200k words, a TON of characters to romance (if we include also the future DLC already announced, there’ll be more romances than Loren!), and also several choice that affects the ending texts/CGs, visual novel players really have nothing to worry about it πŸ˜‰ So if you play it only as VN, it will be worth it for sure.

I’ll probably change the normal card into bronze, to make it more different from silver

But since it’s also a cross-genre with a card game, I need also to think about that. So, I was saying, the goal is to add some side missions to raise your resources/XP that will result in more powerful cards in battles, which will be needed especially in harder difficulty level, and will also increase playtime. Increase but not in a boring way, since I’ll design those side-missions with mini-goals or variant. One example would be to do scouting missions with Remi, and you’ll have Remi playable card only in those missions πŸ™‚ and stuff like that, so that would be fun to play.

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